Going on exchange to Paris, but generally slack at emails, so if you really wanna know what I've been up to, feel free to hit up this blog. and please don't forget to keep me updated on your lives too! Cheers, Cole

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Space Invaders

Today was a fairly quiet day, given that I didn't actually get out of bed until 1:30. I did however skype my brother to wish him a Happy 10th Birthday :)

In the afternoon we met at La Tour St Jacques with our French 'buddies' and were taken on a bit of a tour of Paris, but again it was freezing and wandering around in the cold for three hours is not a particularly good idea. We ended up at a bar on Rue Mouffetard, which was fun but I was so tired I headed home around 10 to get to bed!

I also walked past another 'Space Invader'. For a decent explanation I turned a bit to Wikipedia...

Invader is a French urban artist who pastes up characters from the Space Invaders game, made up of small coloured square tiles that form a mosaic. He does this in cities across the world, then documents this as an ‘Invasion’, with books and maps of where to find each invader. In Montpellier, the locations of mosaics were chosen so that, when placed on a map, they form an image of a giant space invader character.

I have already found four!

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