Going on exchange to Paris, but generally slack at emails, so if you really wanna know what I've been up to, feel free to hit up this blog. and please don't forget to keep me updated on your lives too! Cheers, Cole

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Premier Conférence Français

On Tuesday morning I had my first tutorial subject in French (as opposed to a lecture). It was slightly intimidating as there are only 23 students in the class, but luckily it is about half exchange students and I recognised one of the other guys from the Welcome Program.

The subject is "L'entreprise et le dialogue social" and seems to be primarily about the decline of unionism. Our teacher is really cool though, Jacques Creyssel.

Everyone told me to google all my teachers, because they mostly have super-impressive backgrounds, so I googled Jacques and turns out he was the Director General in charge of Economic Affairs and Strategic Co-ordination at MEDEF, the largest employer union in France. He was really friendly and was able to use lots of real-life examples to back up what he was saying.

After class I went back to the library to finally print out all my outlines and then went home to avoid the cold (it was below zero today).

In the evening a few of us met at the Place St Michel and went to the Quartier Latin for dinner.

I had a steak (woo meat) and then headed home because on Wednesdays I have class at 8am, yuck.

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