Going on exchange to Paris, but generally slack at emails, so if you really wanna know what I've been up to, feel free to hit up this blog. and please don't forget to keep me updated on your lives too! Cheers, Cole

Friday, February 11, 2011

No Kofi for Me

Thursday was a very exciting day! I had my 8am tutorial on anarchism, which I find ironic given the rigidity of the SciencesPo assessment criteria, and then I managed to skype home which was nice. I then went for my run in the Jardin du Luxembourg and cleaned up the studio in preparation for "préchauffe" i.e. predrinks. That literally means 'pre-heating'.

Then I checked my email, because SciencesPo has incredible guest lecturers every week, but you have to register for a ticket as soon as the email comes out. I was absolutely ecstatic to discover that next week's guest lecturer is Kofi Annan and I rushed to put my details in, but even though the email had only been sent out 15 minutes earlier, I didn't get a ticket :(

To get over my disappointment I headed off to the Jardin des Plantes, which contains many museums. I met some friends and we chose to explore the Grande Galerie de l'Évolution, which was basically just filled with reproductions of all kinds of animals, including some crazy ones that are now extinct.

I think Nick quite liked the polar bear...

After that I headed home and prepared for my lecture on Emerging Market Economics with a development economist from the OECD. It looks like it's going to be a really interesting class and we get to write our own mini 'research paper'.

Class finished at 9pm and then we squished 12 of us into my place and got a bit rowdy. The one neighbour was not impressed, but I consider it payback for the night before when he made a racket till midnight. We then headed to a bar on the Champs-Élysées where there were tons of French students and danced till 2. I have to say it's pretty cool to hail a cab from under the Arc de Triomphe and turn around to see this on your way home...

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