Going on exchange to Paris, but generally slack at emails, so if you really wanna know what I've been up to, feel free to hit up this blog. and please don't forget to keep me updated on your lives too! Cheers, Cole

Friday, March 18, 2011

X-Ray, Pique Nique et Cidre Sur la Seine

Hello! Sorry for the lack of posting but this has been a very busy week!

On Monday I had to go to the French visa department for a medical exam to get my official 'Carte de Sejour', which is the permit I need to live here legally. It was a highly irritating procedure. Firstly it takes two and a half hours, and secondly they treat you like an animal.

Basically I arrived, joined the queue of about 50 students/illegal aliens and we were herded into one room to get weighed/have our height checked, and then they made us take an eye test. I must need an update in my prescription because I kept getting the letters wrong and the doctor was like, uhhh, try again. I don't really see why sight is a criteria for being allowed to stay in France... We were then shuffled into a private room and told to strip so they could take an X-ray of our chest. NO WORRIES guys, I DON'T HAVE TUBERCULOSIS. And even if I did I could have infected half of France by now.

After that we had to wait in another queue to have our blood pressure taken before FINALLY getting a visa. Hallelujah.

On Tuesday I woke up and it was a beautiful sunny day, but I unfortunately had class followed by a fair amount of work. Luckily in the evening I took a break, wandered around without my coat (woooo) and went to meet my friend Jenna for dinner.

After dinner we went to see Black Swan, which was half crazy/half brilliant. Natalie Portman is incredible, and I loved all the dancing. However the blood thing was just creepy.

Wednesday was even more beautiful weather (20 degrees!!) and we decided to have a pique-nique in front of the Eiffel Tower. We stocked up on madeleines (little cakes), wine, cheese and baguette and soaked up the sun!

Thursday I had an 8am lecture and then spent the rest of the morning in the library, followed by a long lunch at a student foyer near my apartment. We all had pizza and dessert for 3 euro, score!

In the evening I had class from 7:15-9:15, and then went to meet everyone at The Galway, an Irish pub on the Seine to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. It was absolutely packed! I had cidre (cider thanks, no beer for me) and all the drinks were dyed green.

It was so busy that everyone ended up crowding the footpath outside, literally right on the river, which was beautiful.

So now it's Friday morning and I'm off to French class and then Budapest!!! I'll be back on Monday night, so expect an update on Tuesday!

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