Going on exchange to Paris, but generally slack at emails, so if you really wanna know what I've been up to, feel free to hit up this blog. and please don't forget to keep me updated on your lives too! Cheers, Cole

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Paris Fashion Week

Wednesday I woke up nice and early to rush to my 8am lecture, only to have the lecturer not show up! I was very angry, but managed to get some work done in time to go and stalk the final day of Paris Fashion Week!

The designers are currently showing their prêt-à-porter collections and there are stars to be spotted at every corner! Lucie and I put on our heels and went to stand outside the Miu Miu show. As much as it looks incredible, I feel like it must be tiring always having to worry about what you're wearing. By the time we got there the paparazzi were already lying in wait...

Some of the outfits were amazing, and some were just downright ugly...

After they all went in we waited until the show ended and everyone came out, which was when we saw some 'properly' famous people.

Firstly there was Grace Coddington, the creative director of American Vogue (maybe her hair inspired Julia?)

Then Anna Dello Russo, editor of Vogue Japan (in the blue)

And Mila Kunis, of Black Swan fame, who is absolutely stunning!

I also saw Jackie Frank, editor of Marie Claire Australia, and was going to say hello, but she was whisked off to be interviewed (and I was also kinda scared). She's the one in the glasses.

We also saw one of the models come out, but she appeared very drunk, and was walking around spilling a plastic cup of champagne. Strange.

All in all a successful stalking episode, and I will admit I went shopping on the way home. Just not at Miu Miu.

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